Protection against summer strains

Schutz vor Sommerstrapazen - ZAQQ Barfußschuhe

The summer temperatures not only make us sweat but also our shoes.

The combination of heat, UV rays, and moisture can permanently damage your shoes if you don't take countermeasures in time. 

Summer Care for Your ZAQQs

That's why taking care of your ZAQQs in the summer is particularly important. Only this way can you enjoy your favorite shoes for a long time and protect them from the strains of the hot season.

Feel free, feel ZAQQ.



ZAQQs made of Leather 

Not only our skin suffers from strong sunlight, but also the leather of your barefoot shoes.

To remain supple and protected from cracks, it must be regularly maintained.


You can find our tips for proper care in our magazine: 

>> Care for Nappa Leather <<

>> Care for Suede <<




ZAQQs made of Textile 

In summer, our ZAQQs made of cotton are particularly popular because they are wonderfully breathable.

Textile shoes should be treated correctly from the start to prevent staining and to protect them from fading due to strong sunlight.

>> Care Textile <<  





ZAQQs from other vegan materials 

Faux leather and synthetic materials are less maintenance-intensive than real leather, but they can also be damaged by sunlight.

Regular cleaning and impregnation help to extend their lifespan.


>> Care Faux Leather <<


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